Submit a Tip

Public reports of mosquito, black fly, and tick activity make up an important part of our Integrated Pest Management program. The information that you provide in conjunction with our weekly trap surveillance helps us make decisions regarding mosquito treatments. Please use our "Submit a Tip" form for the following:

  • Report high mosquito annoyance
  • Report water-holding area (that could contain mosquito larvae)
  • Request treatment for a public event
  • Request tire pick-up (view eligibility requirements)
  • Report high biting gnat/black fly annoyance
  • Tick questions or concerns
  • Report a dead bird

Requests for treatment due to high levels of adult mosquitoes in your area will be sent to the field offices. MMCD does not make specific adult mosquito treatments requested for private property. If you have a private event and are concerned about the mosquito levels on a specific date, you may wish to consult a licensed private mosquito control contractor. Private pest control services are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Learn more at our Resident's Guide.

Confidentiality notice: Any personal information provided will not be made public or shared with any party in accordance with state and federal law.

NOTE: The last day that new tire pickup requests will be accepted for the season is September 30th, 2024.

General Questions or Comments

For general inquiries related to Metropolitan Mosquito Control District, please contact us by one of the following methods:

To contact someone specific within the organization, please visit our staff directory.