Scientific Peer Review Panel (SPRP) origins and activities
1. Origin
In 1985, representatives from state and local agencies and interest groups on the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District's Technical Advisory Board (TAB) recommended MMCD investigate effects of mosquito and black fly control practices on animals other than mosquitoes.
An environmental review process was started that year to provide the TAB and the Minn. Environmental Quality Board (EQB) with information on program and control material changes since the 1977 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
The SPRP was organized in 1985 to assist with developing a Supplemental EIS by reviewing the existing scientific literature on control materials' biological activities, non-target impacts, and overall program impacts, and indicating areas needing more research.
SPRP members were selected as independent qualified technical authorities in entomology, ornithology, wildlife biology, aquatic biology, statistics, and toxicology. Two members were appointed by environmental groups. All of the original members remained on the panel throughout the duration of the work. SPRP Members List
The SPRP updated the TAB on its progress annually.
2. Field Research Development and Oversight
The SPRP determined existing literature used in the Supplemental EIS provided a comprehensive and unbiased review. However, they felt several areas needed more research.
In 1986 they developed protocols and identified bidders for new non-target research. The Mosquito Control Commission approved $200,000/year for this research (5-year cap, $1 million).
In 1987 the SPRP awarded 5 research contracts, addressing effects of methoprene briquets and Bti on selected non-target species (including frogs) in the lab, and starting several field research projects on aquatic invertebrates and/or birds in treated and untreated sites.
In 1988 and 1989 field research continued but was hampered by extreme drought.
On June 16, 1988 the EQB found the Supplemental EIS adequate, but ordered that MMCD prepare an addendum report with research results, and update the EQB annually on progress:
"[T]he MMCD shall prepare an addendum report to the Final Supplemental EIS regarding the referenced field research program that contains the final research results, including the impacts of mosquito control operations on temporary waters (Types I and II wetlands) and shall submit this report to the Board for review at the time those results become available. Periodic progress reports of the ongoing research on at least an annual basis shall be provided by MMCD to the Board as appropriate. The addendum report will be used to inform the Board and the public regarding consideration of further environmental review."
In 1988 the Commission approved continued annual funding up to 2.5% of MMCD budget.
In 1989 a draft summary of lab research was completed.
Field data collection for most of the studies was completed by 1990.
In 1992 the SPRP drafted an Interim Report on research results to that time. The draft was reviewed and given to the EQB in 1993.
Data collection for the long-term exposure study continued through 1993. Sample processing and analysis finished the next year, and the contractor (Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI), Duluth, MN) presented results to the SPRP at the end of 1994.
In 1995 the SPRP drafted its final report based on all the laboratory and field research completed. This SPRP members worked to develop consensus on the implications of the results, and released the final version in January, 1996.
3. Continuation
As recommended by the SPRP in their final report, MMCD continued treating the long-term study sites using the same experimental design through the end of 1999. Treatments were verified by ground data collection summarized by Dr. Lyle Shannon of the University of Minnesota - Duluth (continuously 1991-1999).
Funds were approved for additional sampling in 1997 and 1998 to assess the effect of 8 years of continued treatment. The 1997-1998 sampling was directed and reviewed by a Continuation Panel including original SPRP members R. Anderson, S. Hurlbert, R. Moon, W. Schmid, M. Zicus and K. Simmons, plus J. Helgen (as available), and TAB member D. Belluck. MDNR staff G. Montz was kept current on Panel activities.
A benthic insect sampling contract was awarded (based on a competitive review process in 1997) to the Lake Superior Research Institute (LSRI), UW-Superior. Dip net and bottle trap sampling for mobile insects in the water column were added to the design. Statistical analysis was done by Ann Lima, who also did much of the analysis for the previous study.
1997 results were reviewed by the Panel in March, 1998. The apparent trend of increasing impacts in the 1991- 1993 samples (Hershey et al. 1998) had not continued. However, low water levels had hindering some sampling and some problems occurred with methoprene material availability.
The Panel extended the LSRI contract in 1998 to see if the results were consistent with 1997. Funding was provided by MMCD with additional contributions from Abbott, a manufacturer of Bti, and Wellmark, manufacturer of methoprene. Sampling included benthic core samples, artificial substrates, fish traps and fyke nets.
Water levels in 1998 allowed complete sets of benthic core samples at all sites on all treatment dates, and there were no problems with treatment material availability. Invertebrate numbers were high. Some subtaxa of the Chironomidae had significantly lower numbers and biomass on some dates, but other subtaxa had higher numbers in the treated sites, reducing the overall effect.
The Panel reviewed results, requested additional comments from outside reviewers, and has worked with the contractors to try to publish the outcome from the 1997-1998 sampling.
4. Additional Research - Anurans
In 1998-1999, the Panel arranged for a survey of frog populations at 18 of the Wright County study sites in cooperation with Dr. Lucinda Johnson of NRRI and Dr. Val Beaseley of Univ. of Illinois - Champaign/Urbana. Frogs were collected for a standard collecting time, evaluated visually for malformations, and a sample preserved for further pathology lab evaluation. Some malformations were found, but were at least as common in untreated sites as in methoprene-treated sites.
Summary by Dr. N. Read, July 20, 2005
Metropolitan Mosquito Control District
2099 University Ave. West
St. Paul, MN 55104