Metropolitan Mosquito Control District Highlights from 2022
Another year is in the books and it was a busy one for MMCD! The big story for 2022 was that Minnesota had a second consecutive dry summer with below average rainfall in July, August, and September and much of the District in drought conditions through the latter half of the year according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Rain impacts mosquito abundance and the lack of precipitation meant impacted the number of annoyance mosquitoes and disease vectors in slightly different ways.
Throughout 2022 we were appreciative of our incredible staff and support from county commissioners and members of the public. Here are some numbers that summarize our activities this year:
breeding sites inspected
acres treated
catch basins treated
West Nile Virus Present in Minnesota Again in 2022
West Nile virus was active in Minnesota for a second consecutive year. Confirmations of human WNV illnesses typically occur from late summer to the mid-autumn. As of November 2, six WNV illnesses had been confirmed in Minnesota with one of those cases in a resident of the District (Hennepin County). Data collected by MMCD through mosquito surveillance and testing suggests the final case total for 2022 will be higher. In 2022, 42 mosquito samples tested in our lab were positive for WNV and the WNV infection rate in mosquitoes was higher than in 2021 when there were 27 WNV illnesses in District residents. Two other mosquito-borne viruses caused illnesses in Minnesota in 2022. One Jamestown Canyon illness was confirmed in a resident of Ramsey County. One case of La Crosse encephalitis was confirmed in a resident of Olmsted County. For more information about vector-borne disease in 2021 look for the MMCD Technical Advisory Board report coming in the spring of 2023.
Big MMCD News Stories from 2022:
Black Flies Were Not as Prevalent in 2022
MMCD employees controlled immature black flies (biting gnats) in small steams and large rivers throughout the metropolitan area. In 2022, 101 black fly larvicide treatments were made to the rivers and streams in the District. Higher than normal river levels occurred in May and June but did not adversely affect our ability to sample or treat. Adult black flies remained at tolerable levels for most of season with the number of black fly annoyance calls in 2022 (11) much less than in 2021 (151). There were also no major media stories about black fly annoyance in 2022 for the first time in four years, which is another sign of their decline.
Events Were Big in 2022
After nearly two years of COVID restrictions, public events came back big in 2022 and MMCD was at many to interact with District residents and provide educational information about mosquitoes, ticks, black flies, and disease risks. The biggest event was the Minnesota State Fair where over 7,900 people stopped by our booth in the Dairy building. We also participated in several county fairs and other city events and we brought our inflatable mosquito and our mascot "Vectoria" to various parades throughout the District.
Here's a time-lapse of our team setting up for the State Fair:
MMCD Stayed Social in 2022
We were active all season long on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages and we had great interactions with the thousands of people who follow us online. Be sure to follow along with our social media channels for the latest updates on mosquito numbers, disease cases, breaking news, fun facts, and a lot more!
MMCD Photo Highlights from 2022:
Looking Forward to 2023
Preparations are well underway for next season's mosquito control activities. We will continue to inspect and treat breeding sites, control black fly populations, monitor tick activity, educate the public, and much, much more! Here are a few ways that you can connect with us next year:
- Work for MMCD! We are recruiting NOW for seasonal inspectors and the application will be live online soon. View our employment page for more details or sign up to receive e-mail alerts about jobs.
- Invite Us to Present! Whether in-person or virtual, we are available to talk about mosquito science! If you know any schools or community groups who would benefit from a presentation about mosquito biology, control, diseases, and ways the public can get involved, contact us today!
- Follow Us on Social Media! We are active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and now TikTok where we regularly post pictures, news updates, and fun facts. Give us a follow!
We hope you and yours have a very Happy New Year! We'll see you in 2023!