Weekly Update – August 20th – Rainy Month Brings Another Slight Increase in Mosquito Numbers
August 26, 2024
Weekly Update – August 27th – Mosquito Numbers Increased in the Last Week of August
September 5, 2024
The Great Minnesota Get-Together is underway now through Labor Day and we are thrilled to be back with a booth in the Dairy Building. Here are 10 great reasons you should make a stop at the MMCD booth a part of your State Fair Day:
1) Live Mosquito Larvae!
The star of our booth every year are the pans of live mosquito larvae freshly pulled from a local wetland. Kids can use pipettes to try to catch them and look at them under a microscope. Adults can get in on the fun, too! Don't worry, we won't let them develop past the larva stage...
2) Cool Giveaways!
This year we are excited to introduce bright green MMCD sunglasses! We will also have temporary tattoos, pencils, information about how you can protect yourself from mosquitoes and ticks, and lots more! Supplies are limited, so stop by our booth early in the day before they run out!
3) Interactive Maps!
We have a touchscreen computer monitor set up where you can look up your address (or any location in the District) and see what wetlands are being monitored by MMCD. View years of data about when those sites were last visited and what was done!
4) Trivia!
One side of our booth has a display with information about Integrated Pest Management and all the steps that go into environmentally-sensitive mosquito control including surveillance, identification, and control. Test your knowledge with some trivia questions that are tacked to the board.
5) Coloring at the Kids Table!
Have you always wanted to color a cartoon mosquito or larva? We've got you covered! We have coloring sheets along with markers and pencils that you can use to bring the creation to life. Once you're finished, take it with you or post it on the display board for all to enjoy!
6) Ticks and Black Flies, Too!
Mosquitoes aren't the only things on display at the MMCD booth. We have specimens of the three main ticks found in Minnesota along with adult black flies. Compare the size of a black fly versus a mosquito and learn about which ticks carry pathogens. Plus, see up close how tiny a nymphal stage tick can be!
7) Learn About MMCD Presentations!
During the school year MMCD offers free, interactive classroom presentations for teachers all over the Twin Cities. Learn more about this cool opportunity and sign up to receive information at our State Fair booth.
8) Learn About Job Opportunities!
We hire 180+ seasonal staff every year and many describe it as their favorite job ever! We have information about working for MMCD at our booth along with a sign-up where you can get notified as soon as the seasonal application opens up for 2025.
9) Handouts with Mosquito Control Tips First-Hand!
Want to learn how to reduce mosquitoes in your yard? There's a handout for that. Want to learn about the causes and symptoms of Jamestown Canyon virus? There's a handout for that. Want to know where you can access MMCD maps and data? There's a handout for that, too!
10) Meet Some of the Coolest People at the Fair!
MMCD employees are amazing and over the course of the fair over 40 of our staff members will be working shifts at the booth. Stop by and ask them your burning mosquito, tick, and black fly questions and tell them you appreciate the work they've been doing this summer. They also may be willing to tell you their favorite Fair food!
We hope to see you at the FAIR!