Long-term effects of the mosquito control agents Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis) and methoprene on non-target macroinvertebrates in wetlands in Wright County, Minnesota (1997-1998)

Mary D. Balcer, Ph.D., Kurt L. Schmude, Ph.D., and Jim Snitgen
Lake Superior Research Institute (LSRI), University of Wisconsin, Superior
PO Box 2000, Superior, Wisconsin 54880
and Ann R. Lima, Lacey, WA

Report submitted to MMCD February 4, 1999

(All links below are to PDF files)

- Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Literature Cited
- Tables
- Figures
- Appendices 1-6: Macroinvertebrates in Benthic Core Samples
- Appendices 7-11: Invertebrates on Artificial Substrates